Digital Forensics.US LLC develops individualized training and certification programs that meet or exceed the standards for establishing competency under ISO/IEC 17025 and 17020, industry guidelines and best practices (e.g., ISO/IEC 27035 and 27037), and your accreditation body’s supplemental requirements (e.g., ASCLD/LAB, FQS, A2LA).
Services offered:
- Defining knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) necessary to establish competency
- Defining training programs that map to the KSAs required for competency
- Implementing in-house training programs for professional development
- Developing competency tests to measure professional development
- Implementing mentoring programs
- Developing proficiency testing programs
We work with your organization to define the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for forensic examiners, eDiscovery specialists, and cyber defense analysts, and develop those skills that form the foundation for delivering rigorous technical services.