Digital Forensics.US LLC’s professional staff has performed hundreds of internal audits and assessments of digital forensics, eDiscovery, and cyber defense programs for conformance to ISO/IEC 17020, 17025, 27035, 27037, 27050, ANAB and A2LA standards. We have conducted audits and assessments that adhere to applicable international standards in the forensic disciplines of fingerprint analysis, firearms, crime scenes, and drug analysis.
Services Offered:
- Planning internal audits and drafting audit plans
- Developing internal audit tools (i.e. checklists, questionnaires, etc.)
- Training staff in internal audit practices
- Conducting internal audits
- Analyzing nonconformance
- Recommending corrective actions and remediation guidance
- Conducting accreditation conformance “mock” assessments
- Conducting desk audits of documentation for conformance to accreditation standards
- Assessing operations onsite for conformance to accreditation standards
- Recommending remediation of nonconformance
Digital Forensics.US LLC’s provides clients with an accreditation roadmap that guides them on improving their operations by using a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle for continuous improvement.